cool book for sale

If you like reading stories about humans or zombies or love or laughter or romance or the insane… or ALL of the above… then this could be the book you’ve been waiting for. 🙂

After much consideration of reader’s thoughts and suggestions… and following an extensive edit… and an investment in a super-cool new cover… the new & improved


is NOW available in paperback:

At CreateSpace:

At Amazon UK:

At Amazon US:

and for Kindle




As an aside, I am trying to build a life with my wonderful new wife, so any and all help in promoting this and my other books would be greatly appreciated. 🙂  On Amazon I can be found here:

saving grace – echoes of a review

For me, contains echoes of SIGNS, the TOMMYKNOCKERS and STARMAN, which, in the wrong hands, could be bad. But W.K. Tucker’s hands know what they are doing. At turns funny, sweet, nostalgic, scary, melancholic, thoughtful and heartfelt, I enjoyed the character’s voice and story flow, and would heartily recommend this short story.

king reviews – carrie

Do you remember the scene in the book where Carrie is telekinetically flinging all those kitchen utensils into her mother? Oh, and that scene in the book where Carrie is standing in the middle of the prom reigning down terror on her class mates? Not forgetting that scene in the book where the scary hand darts out of the grave at the end?


I hope you don’t, because they were in the movie.

It must have been so long since I’ve re-read this novel that my brain has overlaid my paperback memories with celluloid variations. Either that, or age finally is deceptifying my brain cells.

I wonder what this book might have looked like a few years down the line, because it is super-short (by King standards), and there isn’t enough early-book character building. For me. And I’m not overly sure about the way the story is shared, mixing between characters and reports and textbook quotes. It’s interesting enough, but I’ve come to expect more from the great man.

Of course, I don’t know how I would have felt reading it for the first time back in 1974, and I don’t recall how I felt reading it for the first time in the 80s, but if it was a first novel now I wonder if an unknown King would be self-publishing his eBook and sharing his frustrations and hopes with the likes of me? And THIS is partly why I like self-publishing eBook authors, as you just never know who you be hanging with.



goodreads review for Seven Sneezes

Manisha Mahalingam said:

Seven Sneezes is a story of a woman, beginning from her first breath to her last, telling a tale of struggle, determination, the will to keep going on,and most importantly family.

I truly enjoyed reading this book, Lizzy being the kind of character who makes any story unique. She retains her humor and her character all through out the book, even at the age of seventy five.

I love the fact that the author thought of linking Lizzy and Daniel Steel’s books. Both speak about adversities and hope, and Lizzy seems to get strength from reading the story of another.

Why the book was for me – It was a relaxing break from the action packed, political or any other thrillers I have been indulging myself in. This book is a peaceful reading, yes there are times your heart cries for Lizzy, but you are not on your edge going ‘What’s going to happen next.’ This is a good as well as a bad thing.

Things I liked-
Lizzy – she really holds the book together. I enjoyed being in her head and seeing things through her eyes. She truly does make a wonderful mother.
Family – the book speaks about family and how the best families stick to each other. Family doesn’t always have to be blood. Sometimes, it extends more than than.
Life isn’t static- Another message from the book is that life keeps moving,it is a roller coaster ride, having its off and on moments.
The characters – Lizzy’s sons and “sub-daughter” are such unique people. David has shown them in distinct ways.
The chapters – each chapter is a year from Lizzy’s life. Very creative.

Things I didn’t like.
Lack of action – I felt there were parts in which life could be pumped up more.

Other than that, this was a great book!”

Many thanks, Manisha.


awesome review for wonky monky

Posted on Amazon:

It happens to all of us when we leave childhood behind–we also leave behind the innocence and magic and belief that all things are possible.
Odd Bob stops believing in Wonky Monky, but Wonky Monky never stops believing in Bob. So when Bob runs into trouble with a bully, Wonky Monky leaves the safety of the carpet and ventures forth into the world determined to somehow help his friend.
This novelette, penned by David Burton, though written for middle-grade readers, will resonate with older readers as well. It speaks to all of us who have at some point in our lives wished for a champion–and maybe found one in an unlikely place.
Wonky Monky is a quick read that leaves you wanting more. Sooooo….I’m off to read Wonky Monky # 2.



Jennifer Cie – a review & recommendation

My reviews for BURN IT and MEMPHIS RAIN read almost identical:


I’ve been told 5 star reviews shouldn’t exist; that nothing is perfect. But that isn’t what 5 stars mean on Amazon – here they mean I LOVE IT. And I can think of no better three words to describe how I feel about Jennifer Cie’s writing.

She dares me into picking up my writer’s pencil, and scares me into putting it down again.

She reminds me of why I always wanted to be a writer, why I am a writer, and why I may never be a writer.

After reading MEMPHIS RAIN and BURN IT, I immediately spent my recently earned commissions re-buying both in paperback, along with her new book DOWN ON THE OTHER STREET.

I suggest you do the same, and enjoy.



a good day

Back to the editing ‘grind’… Although it so far hasn’t been, because I’ve loved everything I’ve worked on, so there’s that.

Then I completed the paperback upload/design for 3words Redux, so I hope to announce that tomorrow, assuming all looks good. Current cover:


And then I inserted the BE AWARE warning into TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE:

be aware image

Without the bubble. So, I hope that helps. Thanks, all, for your thoughts on the same.

Oh, and yesterday I was directed towards a FABULOUS new (to me, anyway) writer, who I will be reviewing tomorrow, when I finish reading her second book. I am in awe of her writing, and emailed her regarding a couple of things, and am equally in awe of her response. She seems to be the kind of young woman I would have loved to have been twenty years ago. Well, if I’d been a woman, of course. But her style, her phrasing… well, more tomorrow. 🙂

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