3words August – day 1 of ??

And so here we are. Well, I say ‘we’… 😉

Like I posted earlier, ‘we’ are going to be inspired by one or more of the girls on vickiedoodles’ site here:


Oh, and if you visit/link vickiedoodles’ site please keep everything appropriate. Thank you

Would you like a ‘rules’ reminder?

  • I post 3words every day for the duration of the story
  • ‘we’ write 100 words of an ongoing story each day
  • ‘we’ repeat these two steps until ‘we’ reach the final day

Simple. 🙂

Ok, so here are the day1 3words… CONFESSCIRCLECONTACT.

And part1 of my story…


“I know one of you did it, and I won’t stop till I find out which.”

I glared at each of the six girls in turn, forcing them into a moment’s direct eye contact, hoping one might look away, thereby confessing. But none did, and I knew I shouldn’t have expected it to be that easy.

They were sitting in a circle in the garden, while I paced around the outside of them, thinking that by forcing them to see the others it might also provoke a confession. But, again, I wasn’t confident.

“Okay,” I said. “Who wants to start?”



3words Redux kindle available

Yes, that’s right – I managed to NOT focus on my EconomyEdits job for the weekend, the first two consecutive days I’ve not client-edited since I began.

Thanks for the ok, Nicole. 😉

On top of that, I actively worked on ME things. First, I tarted up all the 3words shorts that I wanted to include in the collection. Then I created an eBook. And then I began working on the paperback version (give it a couple of days – tomorrow’s busy, and I’m back on the job again :)).

Oh, and I finished reading my novel TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE. I don’t like to toot my own horn, but… Man, I enjoyed reading that. I do think the intentional typos could be an issue, though, so will be stop-gapping that tomorrow or Tuesday by adding a “WARNING: TYPOS AHEAD!” type page at the start. And then see from there.

But today is more about 3words Redux now being available on Amazon as an eBook, and can be found here:

I do like that cover. 🙂

And don’t forget – 3words August will be upon is in just a few days… so please seriously think about committing just 10 minutes a day to an ongoing story. You never know – you may love it! Obviously, I think you will. 🙂



more work in my inbox – Blood & Oil by M.A. Leibfritz

I am delighted and honoured to announce that M.A. Leibfritz has chosen me to edit her sci-fi/fantasy novel BLOOD & OIL.

Due to current commitments, work won’t begin before August 15th, but after reading and sample-editing the opening pages, I must say the story pulled me in and intrigued me, and I am seriously looking forward to working on this project.

Many thanks to Tamsin over at http://writocracy.blogspot.co.uk/ for the recommendation.



first Tell Me Something True paperback sale

While I was sleeping, somebody made the first ever paperback purchase of my novel TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE.

final BookCoverPreview 020714 https://www.createspace.com/4880091

I sure do hope they enjoy it. 🙂


Just discovered they bought it via Amazon, not CreateSpace. Still just as happy they bought it, but there would have been a few more pennies in my pocket if purchased through CreateSpace. 😉



kcw – first copy received

Not by me, as my copies haven’t arrived yet, but by Lois, who I revealed the other day was the first person to buy a copy from CreateSpace. Thanks for sharing a photo of my “baby” arriving home…

lois copy of cover

3words July – day 6 of 20

First off, I now hope to have the 3words collection of stories “3words Redux” available after the completion of this month’s story, so that would be the first Thursday after the 20th, which I reckon is the 24th.

Back to now… Today’s 3words are: SHEEP – NOTCH – ROOT.

And my ongoing story:


“Dan the man,” the barman chuckled. “Certainly didn’t expect to see you back so soon.” He lifted his right arm for a high five.

Danny sheepishly raised his own, up-nodding slightly before sneaking a glance over his shoulder toward Sandy, but she was busy rooting around in one of her bags on the seat beside her. He turned back.

“Paulie, dude. I’m here on the down-low, mate, if you could take it down a notch?”

Paulie rolled his eyes then smirked. “By the way.”


“She’s not here.”


Paulie shook his head as he uncapped two Buds. “Your usual?”



tell me something MORE

In an exciting development late last night, I had a very pleasing email conversation with the joy-sharing current reader of my novel TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE

tmst 900

She shared some kind words about the story, which touched and pleased me greatly, as although it’s probably an awkward read due to its length and number of “main characters”, it’s still a novel I love.

We then discussed the cover. I said I thought it played nicely with the idea of all the questions and direction choices within the tale, but as she suggested alternatives I instantly knew I preferred those ideas.

So I looked at my online source for images and found a few that kind of matched the ideas we were discussing, but was dismayed by the cost (from ÂŁ45- ÂŁ90 or higher), as I really don’t have that kind of budget at the moment, despite how we all know we should invest in our covers.

But then this friendly-helpful reader said she has artistic friends who she thought would be happy to help. And for “just” a mention/credit. How sweet/kind/generous is that?

So yeah, in the coming weeks we may see another change to the TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE cover, but if we do, I think it’s going to be the best one yet, and the one that feels closest to the story within my novel’s pages.

I have been meeting the ABSOLUTE BEST people on the internet this week. 🙂

Many thanks to Tamsin. You can find her here:






3words July – day 3 of 20

Today’s 3words are: SNORT – HONOUR – EASY.

And my ongoing story:


She shrugged. “What’s weird is why I’m down here.”

“Why’s that, then?”

She glanced up then looked away. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

Danny guffawed and rocked back, almost slumping to the floor beside her. “After the day I’ve had, lady-”

“Lady?” she snorted. “I ain’t no lady!”

Danny nodded, “And they call me easy.”

Slowly, her face softened and she smiled again. “Would you help a not-lady to her feet?”

“Would be my honour,” he said, pulling her up.

“I’m Sandy,” she said.



“I’m Danny.”


“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” he chuckled.



my currently available paperbacks/eBooks

BookCoverPreview  https://www.createspace.com/4869363

This novel follows Lizzy Anderson from her first birthday when she realises she sneezes in sevens (hence the title – had to be a reason, right?). She struggles through a tough and lonely childhood, meeting the love of her life aged 9, and again at 18. They begin a life together, and we are drawn in to her journey, hungry for her highs and lamenting her lows as she weaves through adulthood, parenthood, love and death during one woman’s life, leading to old age and the inevitable. ( approx 310 pages / 93,000 words  )


final BookCoverPreview 020714 https://www.createspace.com/4880091

This novel centres around Ed, a middle-aged, frustrated would-be-writer, family man struggling to maintain his grasp on a reality he finds he never really wanted, having been caught in the flow where there were more interesting lives he could have lived, if only he’d made other choices at three key moments in his life. When a catalyst creates a window of opportunity for him, Ed decides to write the novel he’s always dreamed about, but gets lost in a metafictional frenzy of ideas, struggling to find his true self while he and seven others live the same life. ( approx 730 pages / 275,000 words )


kcw BookCoverPreview july 01 https://www.createspace.com/4877890

A collection of three novelettes. In the first tale, Cafe Books, a young man returns to his home town to help his mum with her cafe. He swore he would never return because of past problems with one particular girl, but can’t deny his mother. Then the girl walks into their cafe and all kinds of feelings, memories and secrets are exposed. In the second tale, Ten Minute Windows, a lonely and frustrated mother frequents the same cafe and sits at her favourite table every day, for just ten minutes, being the only time she has for herself. One day there’s an obnoxious man at her table, and he keeps coming back, day after day. In the third tale, Kissing The Mist, an undecided young fiancee seeks the advice of her much-loved, book-fan grandmother, bringing another old, second hand book as a gift. Only, this time the book comes with a history and the grandmother’s past unfolds and unravels the young woman’s delicate grasp on the life she’s found herself living.


BookCoverPreview final 2906 https://www.createspace.com/4878938

This collection features ten of my favourite stories from the last twenty years, and include: a Pushcart Prize nominated story of two alienated sisters and one twisted father; a chance meeting in a public park between a man, a cheeky young girl, her dog and her mother; a super-short life story of an unappreciated working man who lives for his family; a once-exiled flasher who dares to return to his childhood village hoping for some kind of redemption; two co-workers struggling with their undisclosed-yet-known-about affair and their own feelings toward each other; a man talking with his lover’s cat at night in the garden, trying to right their problems, but only exacerbating them; a much-mocked/unloved father feeling compelled to spend more and more time in his dream-based reality; a mother and her young child mourning the loss of the dear man in their life, while trying to remain positive; an office clerk struggling with a family death and his drinking problems during an unwanted anniversary; and a man reflecting on his abused childhood and abusive wife, desperate to believe in something.


Also available as eBooks at Amazon via: http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B00JZ03YHC



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