Seeking short stories

Are you a fan of fiction? Do you crave crime? Are you flavoured by forensics? Do things have to appear sane in your membrane?
Yes? Then there is exciting news for you from our cosy corner of the world…
We are seeking submissions for our first collection of short stories (and chapter teases) written by authors and readers just like you…
Many are EconomyEdits clients, but everyone is welcome.
Already on board are Geraldine Evans, Iris Blobel, Tony Dews, Melissa Leibfritz, David A. Eddy, John Reti, Kat Bussell, myself and others.
If you are interested in hearing more, and/or want to be considered, please send me a query at:
We would love to hear from you.

TMST – a novel approach

Some of you may be aware of my behemoth of a novel, TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE.

tmst 900

At over 275,000 words, it is a little heavy on the hands, not to say the pocket, as CreateSpace & Amazon retail it at around £15/$19.

Now, despite it being a long tale, I believe it is an interesting one, and well worth the time and effort required. But, of course, I probably would say this, right? 😉

So, I have come up with an idea…

I will remove the current full edition that is available on Kindle or as a Paperback, and re-publish the novel in four parts.

The book is already split into four cliff-hanger-y sections, based around the four seasons in a year (yes, Summer, Autumn, Winter & Spring), and it is my idea to re-publish one in each quarter of the coming year on the first day of each of those seasons (June 1st, September 1st, December 1st, March 1st), thus building into a 4-book series spread over a year.

While a 720 page book can feel a little scary to pick up, four 180 page books should feel quite tasty by comparison.

Also, it gives me a chance to re-edit as I go.

Oh, and I intend to make the first part available as a FREE eBook, throughout the year. And the subsequent three parts should all retail for less than £5 or $7. Well, that is the hope; and having had a quick run through the numbers, I believe this is doable.

Any thoughts/suggestions/comments? All appreciated. 🙂


zombie first draft complete

Clocked in at 63017 words, all told. Although there will be more… albeit in book 2. I hope. 😉

Next up, Wonky Monky 3.

But first, four weeks of solid editing for others.

With maybe a little for myself mixed in there somewhere. And then off to three readers I have in mind. Or I could send now, so they could show me all its early crimes and misdemeanours. Hmm. No. I think I want at least a quick first look. I think. Heh.

Either way, anyway, I’m pleased enough with it for now, and happy to have it done. Funny to think that just a few short weeks ago none of it existed in any way, shape or form, as it originated from a jokey email chat with a friend. Always keep your eyes open. 🙂


3words Twitter Tale

I’m seriously considering combining my November (or October) 3words story AND twitter AND wonky monky.

That’s right, a 3words-prompted Wonky Monky short story told via 140-character-based moments.

Any thoughts?


I THINK it MIGHT be a prequel to my Wonky Monky 1 book, back when he was still IN the carpet… Haven’t thought about it any further than that, though…

Actually, I just drafted the first part. It’s only 23 words. Yikes.

Also, I think I’m going to add a hashtag to it, being 3WWMTT… can you guess why? I bet you can. Oh yes you can. Go on, try…


positive beta readers

Must try harder… must write more… must finish novel… must try harder… must write more… must finish novel…

So, yes, three lovely ladies have beta-read the opening 2-4 chapters of my current novel RLDD, even though it’s only a first draft, and even though I haven’t yet written the rest. And I NEVER do that. Well, apart from this time, obviously. 😉

But the feedback has been SO positive from them all that I’m totally psyched to continue. But also a little scared now, of disappointing, of failing. But Denny’s tale must be told.

All I need to do now is find the time… Heh.


zombie fiction update

Well. I REALLY enjoyed writing those 8500 words on Sunday/Monday. 🙂

However, I now think it might be more than just the original 3000 word stand alone short story. I’ve had two lovely beta readers (who are BIG ZOMBIE FANS) report back that it is entertaining and they would like to read more, which I am taking as A VERY GOOD SIGN. 🙂

So, now I’m thinking the words I have read more like the opening two chapters to a 70,000 word or so NOVEL. I know, right?!

Friday night I didn’t even KNOW about this idea, because it appeared while emailing with a friend on Saturday, as a joke, but see how quickly these things develop a life of their own. Heh. Given it’s about a zombie… 😉

All of which means I won’t be offering it as a free giveaway teaser, but will see how things stand after the next 65,000 words or so, assuming it has legs. Sorry, I’m cracking myzombieself up here. The biggest problem is time, as at present I can only confidently offer to bleed for my tale during my ‘weekend’, being Sunday and a small part of Monday. But if that’s what it requires to reanimate the story then so be it.

It really does amaze me, though, and shouldn’t go unsaid…

  • Friday – had never even considered the idea/concept…
  • Saturday – had a clear lead zombie character, and the vampire ‘assistant’…
  • Sunday – discovered his wife and kid waiting for me..,
  • Monday – found four story arcs to pursue…
  • Since – ideas just KEEP on coming

This one may have legs. 🙂

3words September

3words in September is only going to last 10 days.

Here is partly why:

  • a 10-day commitment is easier
  • more people might participate
  • there is a days 6-10 incentive*
  • there is a free 3words Redux eBook**

* If you participate and post links to your stories for the first 5 days, then you will be allowed to suggest words to be used as prompts in the last 5 days. AT LEAST ONE will be accepted IF you continue to post on days 6-10.

** If you post links to your story for each of the 10 days I will send you a pdf copy of 3words Redux, or a file which you should be able to paste into your Kindle documents folder so it will read like a ‘normal’ eBook.

A rules reminder:

  • each day, 3words are posted here
  • each day, participants write some fiction, including those 3words (I suggest 100 words, but more or less is fine, as it suits) your wants/needs
  • we repeat until our story or the set number of days is complete, in this case 10/1000 words
  • it can be a self-contained tale, part of something larger, or individual snapshots

As for base initiator this month… As previously mentioned in an August blog post, we will be inspired by a line that Lacey Reah used in a reply to one of my Google+ posts, and begin our story immediately after this happens:

He gave me a fun drive by kiss as he flew past me. I didn’t know if I should feel flattered or violated.

Enjoy. 🙂



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