Seeking short stories

Are you a fan of fiction? Do you crave crime? Are you flavoured by forensics? Do things have to appear sane in your membrane?
Yes? Then there is exciting news for you from our cosy corner of the world…
We are seeking submissions for our first collection of short stories (and chapter teases) written by authors and readers just like you…
Many are EconomyEdits clients, but everyone is welcome.
Already on board are Geraldine Evans, Iris Blobel, Tony Dews, Melissa Leibfritz, David A. Eddy, John Reti, Kat Bussell, myself and others.
If you are interested in hearing more, and/or want to be considered, please send me a query at:
We would love to hear from you.

cool book for sale

If you like reading stories about humans or zombies or love or laughter or romance or the insane… or ALL of the above… then this could be the book you’ve been waiting for. 🙂

After much consideration of reader’s thoughts and suggestions… and following an extensive edit… and an investment in a super-cool new cover… the new & improved


is NOW available in paperback:

At CreateSpace:

At Amazon UK:

At Amazon US:

and for Kindle




As an aside, I am trying to build a life with my wonderful new wife, so any and all help in promoting this and my other books would be greatly appreciated. 🙂  On Amazon I can be found here:

TMST – a novel approach

Some of you may be aware of my behemoth of a novel, TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE.

tmst 900

At over 275,000 words, it is a little heavy on the hands, not to say the pocket, as CreateSpace & Amazon retail it at around £15/$19.

Now, despite it being a long tale, I believe it is an interesting one, and well worth the time and effort required. But, of course, I probably would say this, right? 😉

So, I have come up with an idea…

I will remove the current full edition that is available on Kindle or as a Paperback, and re-publish the novel in four parts.

The book is already split into four cliff-hanger-y sections, based around the four seasons in a year (yes, Summer, Autumn, Winter & Spring), and it is my idea to re-publish one in each quarter of the coming year on the first day of each of those seasons (June 1st, September 1st, December 1st, March 1st), thus building into a 4-book series spread over a year.

While a 720 page book can feel a little scary to pick up, four 180 page books should feel quite tasty by comparison.

Also, it gives me a chance to re-edit as I go.

Oh, and I intend to make the first part available as a FREE eBook, throughout the year. And the subsequent three parts should all retail for less than £5 or $7. Well, that is the hope; and having had a quick run through the numbers, I believe this is doable.

Any thoughts/suggestions/comments? All appreciated. 🙂


3words January 11/30

Today’s 3words are: NFL, TWIST, CRAZY

And my ongoing story is…


“That game was CRAZY,” Ken yelled, shaking his head and sipping his whiskey.

Steve nodded, almost choking on his upturned beer bottle. “Next one can’t possibly compare.”

“No!” screamed Ian, slamming a now-empty can against his forehead. “Now you’ve-”

“Jinxed it!” laughed Bill, adding cider to his snakebite.

I watched from the kitchen, TWISTing my water bottle top. “You ought to pace yourselves,” I said, remembering how I used to be deliberately sick so I could keep drinking. “Three more games.”

They all turned and jeered.

Our NFL “quarter-final” weekend, being a part-recorded four-game marathon.

But it wasn’t the same.



3words January 10/30

Today’s 3words are: COMPREHEND, RELAX, QUARTER.

And my ongoing story is…


I hadn’t COMPREHENDed: it’s never ending.

I used to think I simply had a drink now and then, when I felt like it, to RELAX, to socialise, to be more like my truer self with friends. And strangers.

But it’s everywhere. Everyday.

“What’s up with the computer?”

I looked up, smiled at Lisa, and refocused on the screen. It wasn’t even a QUARTER way through the latest scan I was running.

She snorted. “You been watching porn again?”



I shrugged. “I tried to stream the Derby game.”

“Just go down the pub.”

I didn’t know what to say.



3words January 8/30

Today’s 3words are: CLAIM, MIDDLE, FIVE.

And my ongoing story is…


I couldn’t concentrate at work.

I was assigned to electrical, and half the TVs were tuned to circling news stories, and the Paris massacre dominated. One shopper CLAIMed to have seen internet footage that couldn’t be shown on TV.

All I could think about were my kids. How all these people who get caught in the MIDDLE of something unexpected are somebody’s children. How would I feel…

I wanted to go down the pub and hide, and I so very nearly did. Instead, I drove home to spend FIVE minutes with my children, not that they thought anything of it.


3words January 7/30

Today’s 3words are: FEET, SHARPEN, SQUEAL.

And my ongoing story is…


I stared at my breakfast, picked up my coffee and sipped, closing my eyes.

Lisa watched me. I wasn’t psychic: every time I glanced away she looked at me… the moment I glanced back she looked away.

She said, “Is it part of this Dryathon thing?”


“For cancer?” she said, an edge SHARPENing her voice. She wiped Alex’s mouth. “The TV ad?”

“No,” I said, finishing my coffee.

“You just chose to quit? After a lifetime?” She snorted. “Come on, kids.” She snapped to her FEET.

“I’m not done,” Alexa SQUEALed.

“Nor me,” wailed Alex.

“I said come on!”


3words January 6/30

Today’s 3words are: UNSEE, SQUASH, BOWL.

And my ongoing story is…


I dropped my keys and wallet in the BOWL Lisa once decided we needed in case one of us (me!) was too inebriated to do whatever needed doing, should it ever.

I wasn’t aware of any such event, but perhaps I had been UNSEEingly drunk?

“Who’s that?” Lisa called from upstairs.

“Who do you think?”

“Kev?” She stepped into view on the landing, half-dressed for her ladies SQUASH night. “The hell you doing?”

“It’s my watching-the-kids night.”

“Well, I know that,” she snapped. “You’re dead-early.”

I shook my head. “I’m just not-late.”

She cocked her hip. “For you, that’s dead-early.”



3words January 5/30

Today’s 3words are: CHIP, TOUGH, STAY.

And my ongoing story is…


Back to work after two weeks off for Christmas and New Year.

It was TOUGH.

I couldn’t get to sleep last night.

And when I somehow did, I couldn’t STAY there.

I didn’t realise how much the booze stopped my brain over-reaching.

At work I was more CHIPper. The store manager even asked who had given me a personality for Christmas, cheeky little…

But then the guys invited me down the pub for the Liverpool cup match, which was nice, but I couldn’t stand another night there not drinking, so simply went home and spent some time with my kids.


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